Category Archives: Destinations

Your Travel Destination Shall Be Cebu, Philippines

That may be a presumptuous statement to make but after reading this article thoroughly, there’s a good chance that you’d agree to make that statement as well.

But first, let’s get down to the basics.

Cebu, is in the Philippines. Now, when you mention the Philippines, it’s either Manila or Boracay that are the first places to come to your mind. But we assure you that Cebu is as good as both those places. Better yet, there’s no need to pass through other cities in the Philippines just to get to Cebu. As one of the major ports of the country, Cebu is then even directly accessible from other countries such as Singapore and Hong Kong, China.

The Olango Wildlife Sanctuary should always figure prominently in a tourist’s travel plans to Cebu, Philippines. In this sanctuary, tourists would able to catch a glimpse of different species of migrating birds coming from places as far as China and Siberia. Based on studies made of this natural phenomenon, these birds choose Olango as a wintering ground and a way to increase their fat reserves before they resume flight.

Cebu’s Fort San Pedro is the oldest tri bastion fort in the Philippines. Built in 1565, its 8 foot thick walls and 30 foot tall tower bore witness to several wars, not the least would be World War II, in which it served as barracks for American soldiers.

Casa Gorordo Museum is also one of the well-loved destinations of tourists once they arrive in Cebu. Taking a tour of this well-kept museum is like stepping into another time and era, thanks to the lovely antique furniture on display and the conservation of residential features from the old days such as the magnificent courtyard.

And speaking of Gorordo, make sure that you visit 415 Gorordo Avenue in Lahug, Cebu City because that is the address of the Sala Piano Museum. In this museum, you’d be able to a see a collection of about hundreds of pianos of different shapes and sizes.

Lastly, there’s the Kawasan Falls in Matutinao, Badian. The sight of this majestic waterfall would no doubt make you think how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful world.

Before You Worry About Destination Travel Tips

This year folks will be traveling less by car due to the outrageous cost of fuel and thus, they need to get everything in order before they go. If you are planning a road trip to your favorite destination, then you must realize that one wrong turn could easily cost you $20 to 40 in fuel before you figure out what happen. If you are planning on going to a resort or vacation rental, you will need to plan that in advance too, as to not have to drive all the way back into town for your supplies.

Still, before you even start considering all these destination tips or go online to seek out expert travel advice and tips, I’d like you to consider something that you have already been considering; ditching your SUV or Mini-van for an economy car. Now might be the time to buy a new car to take on your summer travels, because new cars do not break down as much and you will save a ton on your fuel costs. May, I be so bold as to recommend a very good book on this subject to you?

“Buying Your Next Car – an easy-to-use, step-by-step guide to save hundreds, even thousands of dollars” by J. Michael White. 1993.

Many times when people buy a car they forget the real costs, such as insurance, maintenance, fuel, parking, etc; the first part of this book helps the purchaser determine their budget and then determine their real needs. The next section talks about dealer tactics, knowing your strengths in negotiation and how to go about shopping as well as determining the seller’s cost, profit points and position.

What to look for when inspecting and test driving the car and how to negotiate the deal you want without giving up your needs. Also there is a section on all the paperwork and your rights as a car buyer and how taking delivery matters in the deal.

After you get a good deal on your new car, you can reward yourself with your summer vacation knowing that the money you save in fuel will make your new car purchase even sweater. Think it through, because vacations can be expensive and you need to play your trips prior to reaching your destination.